Community Champion
Training Series

Our organization is offering a special training series on Intersectionality and Gender Issues in Impact Assessments titled 'Community Champions in IA' for Indigenous women and gender diverse peoples, there is approximately 20 hours of training on Environmental Impact Assessments and an introductory overview to a variety of topics that contextualizes the importance of Indigenous peoples participation in IA processes.

Topics include, Rights based approaches in IA; Self-determination; Intersectionality and GBA+;Decolonizing Impact Assessments and more. Participants who attend are eligible for a training allowance and individual supports in participating in development projects on their territories.

For more details please contact 

Empowered Voices Project

Interested in registering for the Community Champion Training Series? 

Scan the QR Code

Community Champion Training Series QR code


Our vision is that everyone has the right to participate in land use and resource development processes happening around them. Indigenous women, girls and gender diverse people have intersectional needs and barriers that they are working to overcome, and our project can help to address these. Everyone has unique gifts and contributions in IA processes and all members have the ability to advocate for themselves and their families through the creation of supportive spaces and community organizing. Members will graduate from our project activities with increased confidence, skill set and access to tools and information to take up space and make their voices heard in an empowered way.


This document outlines the collective working process for design, implementation and continual support of the trainees and graduate cohort attendees

Mission Statement

By the end of this training, members will have the confidence to participate in land use consultations and advocate for themselves and their communities’ priorities.